You can get information about the runs of a workflow of 2nd ICOBAS here

Present- Feb 25, 2020

Abstract Submission

Participants submit their abstract via the website 

Feb 25-27, 2020

Editor Review

The Committee will review the abstract (the relevance with the scope). The Accepted abstract will be announced on the website  and the committee will send the LOA via email to Participants

Feb 27-29, 2020


Participants make a contribution payment and upload the payment receipt via the website

March 9, 2020

Full Paper Submission

Participants submit their full manuscript via the website

March 11, 2020


Participants deliver their presentation

March 15-20, 2020

Fullpaper Review

The Committee will review the manuscript for the suitability in which publication the manuscript will be published.

March 20-25 2020

Publication Payment

Participant make a publication payment

Oktober 2020


Author Manuscript will be published